From High-Growth Seeker to Investment Success
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From High-Growth Seeker to Investment Success

investing in trust deeds

The LBC Capital Income Fund, LLC Income Fund Case Study


Meet Mark, an accredited investor who discovered the potential of trust deed investments through LBC Capital Income Fund, LLC Income Fund. Mark had $375,000 in savings and was seeking investment options that could provide both security and attractive returns. In this article, we’ll have a look at Mark’s investment journey, exploring how trust deed investments with LBC Capital Income Fund, LLC Income Fund transformed his financial outlook and why you might consider a similar path.

Understanding Trust Deed Investments: What is Meant by Trust Deed?

At its core, a trust deed is a legal agreement used in real estate transactions. It involves three key parties: the borrower (often a property owner), the lender (typically an investor or lending institution), and a neutral third party known as the trustee. The trustee holds legal title to the property until the borrower repays the loan.

Exploring Trust Deed Returns: How Do Trust Deeds Make Money?

Trust deed investments provide impressive passive returns, making them an attractive choice for investors like Mark. When you invest in a trust deeds, you effectively become the lender, offering funds to a borrower in exchange for a secured interest in a real estate property. The borrower agrees to repay the loan with interest over a set period of time. This promise is secured by Real Estate.

The returns generated from trust deed investments come from the interest paid by the borrower. The interest rate can vary but is always significantly higher than what you’d receive from traditional savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs) and government bonds. As a result, trust deed investments offer the potential for excellent returns on your investment. Our Fund Manager, Boris Dorfman, talked more about it here, in this YouTube Video.

Getting Started with Trust Deed Investments: How Do I Invest in a Trust Deed?

Mark embarked on his trust deed investment journey by identifying a reputable investment fund or trust deed broker, such as LBC Capital Income Fund, LLC Income Fund. These organizations specialize in connecting investors with opportunities in the trust deed market.

As an investor, you contribute funds to the trust deed investment pool. The fund manager, in this case, LBC Capital Income Fund, LLC Income Fund, then uses these pooled funds to make loans secured by real estate properties. Your investment is backed by the underlying real estate, providing a level of security.

Mark’s Success Story

With $375,000 to invest, Mark chose to partner with LBC Capital Income Fund, LLC Income Fund, drawn by the promise of steady returns with reduced risk. His investment portfolio with us was strategically diversified across a variety of trust deeds, ensuring exposure to a broad range of real estate projects.

Within just a few years, Mark witnessed the power of trust deed investments firsthand. He enjoys consistent, above-average returns compared to traditional investment options. And yes, he keeps reinvesting with us. This not only secures his financial future but also allows him to enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle and pursue other personal goals.


Mark’s journey demonstrates the potential of trust deed investments, particularly when partnered with a reputable fund like LBC Capital Income Fund, LLC Income Fund. For accredited investors seeking steady returns, reduced risk, and predictable cash flow, this type of investments can be a transformative addition to your investment portfolio. If you’re ready to start a similar journey, inspired by Mark’s success, we invite you to book a consultation with us today.

[Disclaimer: The above case study is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Mark is a collective image of our investors, and his story is provided to illustrate the process and benefits of investing with us. Actual results may vary, and all investments carry inherent risks. Please consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.]

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